The Brownies and Prince Florimel; Or, Brownieland, Fairyland, and Demonland Read online

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  Now in another part of the same country there was a race of fairies whonever grew old and always remained beautiful.

  Their loveliness of face and form was beyond all description.

  Just try to think of the prettiest young girl you ever saw. Well, eventhe plainest of these fairies were ever so much prettier. That is tosay, all were very beautiful with one exception. In her case the fairycharm was an utter failure.

  She was little and old, with a queer, wrinkled face like a dried-upcrab-apple. But, because no one else looked like her, she was firmlyconvinced she was the most beautiful of them all. They wore clinginggowns made of the texture of roses, lilies, and other flowers. She whowore fragrant rose-petals called herself Rose, she who called herselfLily one of lilies, and so on. There were Violet, Daffodil, Bluebell,Daisy, Jassamine, Hyacinth, and ever so many others. You could find thenames of all the rest in a seed-catalogue--that is, all but the littleold wrinkled one who was known as Dame Drusilda. The fairies hada republic. Because they were all so very much alike, and equallybeautiful, gifted, and clever, it would have been an extremely awkwardmatter to select a queen from among them. If any one had been chosen,all the others would have felt greatly slighted. Dame Drusilda believedshe should be the queen, simply because no one else looked like her, butshe was quite alone in her opinion.

  They were very up-to-date, and they had a palace of great magnificencethat had every modern convenience, with sanitary plumbing. There was avery gorgeous throne-room, wisely arranged in the event that they mightsome day have a queen, with a portcullis at the entrance that could beraised or lowered at will. This, of course, was to keep out unwelcomevisitors.

  The republic was most beautifully situated where a river joined thesea, and upon a cliff one day the fairies beheld a most unusual sight.While they were smiling and nodding a greeting to some lovely mermaidswho were down among the rocks combing their long tresses with the aid ofhand-mirrors, a golden shallop heaped with flowers came drifting downthe placid stream. The fairies signalled to the mermaids who, when theirattention was attracted to the shallop, swam to it, and guided it to theshore. As it drew near all grew very much excited when they observed amost exquisite little creature nestling asleep in the fragrant bed offlowers. When the shallop grounded gently on the pebbly beach hereyes opened, and she gazed up at them with the most enchanting smileimaginable. "I am Queen Titania," she announced, as they bent over her,"and I have come to reign over you!"

  With tender hands they raised her from her couch, and knelt before herin silent adoration.

  Never before had they seen anyone so beautiful, as she stood before themin her long trailing gown, with a gem-crusted crown upon her brow, andin her hand a slender wand from whose tip shone the scintillating raysof a diamond.

  "Your Majesty," said queer little Dame Drusilda, "we are all your loyalsubjects. Let us conduct you to the palace, where affairs of state awaityou."

  Amid great rejoicing they conducted Queen Titania to the palace.Wee-winged Cupids bore her long train. The portcullis was raised, andin triumph they entered.

  The new queen was conducted with much pomp to the throne-room. When shewas placed upon the throne, two dogs, two frogs, and an ostrich werebrought before her.

  "What have they done?" asked Queen Titania.

  "Your Majesty," said the fairy named Hyacinth, "these two dogs werefighting, and one bit off a piece of the other's ear."

  "Which was the one who did it?"

  "Why, this one!"

  "Bind him over to keep the peace!" said Queen Titania promptly.

  The fairies all nodded their approval as the dogs were led away.

  "Your Majesty," then spoke up one of the frogs, "will you be kind enoughto listen to the complaint of one who has always tried to conducthimself like a perfect gentleman? I am a confirmed bachelor-frog. Thisyoung lady-frog is continually pestering me with her attentions. Shekeeps on proposing marriage, although it is not leap-year."

  "With frogs every year is leap-year," said Queen Titania.

  The ostrich looked very guilty as a fairy named Eglantine explained:

  "Your Majesty, he deliberately swallowed a half-dozen of the palacespoons."

  "Why did you do it?" asked Queen Titania of the culprit.

  "I don't know," he said shamefacedly.

  "But I do," said Queen Titania. "You did it to stir up things. Have youa sweetheart?"

  "Yes, I've got a bird!"

  "Well, now you can go and spoon with her!"

  All were quite delighted with the wisdom shown by their tiny sovereignin dispensing justice. But before other important matters could bedisposed of a fairy messenger named Pink with her petalled attire allflecked with dust dashed in great excitement into the throne-room. Shehad ridden many leagues upon a winged steed, and in its terrific speedwhich was far greater than that of the swiftest aeroplane it had usedboth wings and feet.

  Pink ran toward the throne to impart the news that had brought her insuch hot haste, but the unexpected sight of Queen Titania stilled thewords upon her frightened lips, and caused them to part instead withwonder and surprise.

  "This is Queen Titania," hastily explained Dame Drusilda, "whohenceforth is to reign over us."

  Pink knelt low before Titania and kissed her royal robe.

  "Your Majesty," she said, "I am the bearer of bad news. Dragonfel thewicked enchanter across the sea has declared his intention of makingtrouble for the fairies."

  "Who told you this?" asked Queen Titania.

  "A little bird," was Pink's reply.

  "This is very serious," said Queen Titania gravely, "for little birdsnever tell fibs." There was a clamor of dismayed, excited voices, butthe queen raised her wand for silence, and continued:

  "Though it may only be an idle threat, I will still appeal toEuphrosyne. Should we ever need her help right gladly she will give it."Her hearers all looked puzzled, and Dame Drusilda made bold to ask: "Whois Euphrosyne of whom you speak?" "Have you not heard of her?" QueenTitania asked, with much surprise. "She is the Goddess of Mirth, whotries to make the whole world happy--a most gigantic task. Come with me,and I will send her an invisible summons." With the Cupids bearing hertrain she passed with the fairies out to the palace courtyard wherefountains played and flowers bloomed. There she raised her wand, andtold them to look up. And doing so they beheld a most marvelous sight--aradiant, smiling-faced, gloriously beautiful young woman in classicalwhite robes, with her sandalled feet resting ever so lightly upon one ofthe pearl-tinged clouds.

  Around her circled snowy doves, cooing, fluttering, and settling on herhead, bare shoulders and arms.

  While Titania waved her wand, she suddenly gazed downward, as thoughsomething by means of an electric current had been transmitted to herthrough the air. She stroked a dove that had found its way trustingly toher hand, and as the others flew from her she herself seemed plumed forflight.

  The fairies watched her with a suspense that was almost painful, but totheir great disappointment the passing clouds blotted her from sight.

  But even the fairies who all the time are witnessing the most wonderfulthings were quite astounded when Euphrosyne in what seemed to be thevery next moment appeared with the dove right in their very midst.

  "What is your wish?" she said to Queen Titania.

  "Oh, beautiful Euphrosyne," said the little queen, "we are muchconcerned over the wicked Dragonfel."

  "The enchanter across the sea?" said Euphrosyne.

  "And what about him?"

  "He threatens harm to the fairies."

  "Do not borrow trouble," said Euphrosyne.

  "Sometimes people make foolish threats, and when others heed them theyhave a good deal of needless worry." All looked very much relieved, andQueen Titania said: "Your encouraging words comfort us greatly."

  "If I were you," advised Euphrosyne, "I'd always keep the portcullisdown, and be very careful about admitting stran
gers. Don't let anyone inwithout a first-class reference. If Dragonfel annoys you, let me know."

  "But how?" asked Queen Titania.

  "You can send this magic dove to me!"

  They looked at her, but she was gone, and no one knew whither. Sheseemed to have just melted away. Where her hand had been there wasa dove, and, as it started to flutter off, with some difficulty theycaught it.

  Though she was very much encouraged by all Euphrosyne had said, QueenTitania still thought it prudent to post on one of the palace walls awarning placard so that those who ran might read.

  And, it proved a task that was sufficient to interest some of thefairies the rest of the afternoon, and, by the time they got through,they were able to make some show at hitting the nail on the head.