The Twin Ventriloquists; or, Nimble Ike and Jack the Juggler Read online

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  Du Flore, continuing his narrative, said:

  "The lady has a son who some day will be a count if he lives, and shestole her own boy when she ran away, and she has put that lad up in NewEngland with her Yankee relatives, determined that if he lives therewill be one count who has had a proper bringing up. She has justreturned from a visit to her son. He is thriving finely, but one daywhile in Boston she saw her husband and believes he saw her, and shefears he means her some harm. She left Boston immediately, and on thetrain and boat became conscious that a man was dogging her steps. Shebelieves the man to be a confederate of the count, but the story youtell me leads me to determine that the man was merely a common thief,attracted by her jewels and the prospect of a robbery. It was probablyhis intention to rob her on the road, but she, thinking her husband wason her track, was very careful and cautious. It appears, however, fromwhat you tell me that the men have shadowed her down to her home andhave made plans to rob and possibly murder her."

  "I reckon," said Ike, "that this is the true solution. The count mayshow up later on."

  "I hope he does," said Jack.

  "Why, partner?"

  "Well, we'll make his life miserable--make him feel that it is better tobe in Germany without a dollar than in New York with a million. We mustprotect this American woman, that is dead sure."

  "Will we? We will, you bet; but now we have those thieves to look afterand I have a plan," said Ike.

  "What is your plan?"

  Ike related his plan. The detective preferred to adopt another coursefor the capture of the rascals, but he was well aware of Ike's wonderfulability, and for reasons thought it best to let the remarkable youthhave his own way.

  Later Ike took Du Flore around to show him where the thieves werestaying, and as good luck would have it he had a chance to point out oneof the rascals.

  Later Du Flore called upon the countess, and acting under Ike's ordershe let her indulge the idea that her house was to be visited byemissaries of her husband, and she said:

  "Then I will flee away."

  "Only to be pursued and shadowed again."

  "I have managed to keep out of his way for nearly two years."

  "That is all right, but we want to put these men out of the way. Theyare walking right into your power."


  "We can claim that they are burglars and scare the life out of themalmost, and we may scare the whole party--count and all--back toGermany."

  "I don't think they mean to do me any harm. The count is not a bad man.He believes, however, that he has a right to the child. He has a legalright, I believe, and I propose to keep the child away from him, atleast for the present."

  "Then the best plan is to let him go back to Germany."

  "I do not understand why these men seek to enter my house."

  "They may think you have the child here, or it may be that they arethieves who have learned some facts from the count, and they may intendto rob you. At any rate, I have positive evidence that your house is tobe invaded and I wish to place a guard here, and I will be at hand atthe proper time. In these days, when so many strange crimes areoccurring, it is always better to be on the right side every time."

  "I believe you exaggerate the danger, but as I am in your hands for myown protection I will agree to any plan that you may propose."

  "I will introduce two remarkable youths into your house. They will beaccompanied by an immense hound. I ask you to permit them to do just asthey think proper in adopting measures for the capture of two men who Iam sure will make an attempt to enter your house. Afterward I will havemuch to reveal to you, but at present I know I am acting in your bestinterests and in the interests of your son."

  Du Flore explained to the countess how the two youths would enter herhouse, and then departed.

  Along about six o'clock in the evening, a poor-looking old man appliedat the door of the house of the countess. He was admitted, and a littlelater quite a stylish young man also sought an entrance, and a littlelater still the poor-looking old man and the stylish youth were alonewith the countess, who was disposed to ask them a great many questions.The lads were sorely tempted to give the countess a little initiation,but concluded to reserve their didos for the two thieves.

  At about eleven o'clock the countess retired to a room on the top floor.She proved very complaisant, doing in all things just as requested,although it was evident that she was a very spirited woman andwondrously handsome, as she was still under thirty.

  The two ventriloquists lay around until twelve o'clock, when theyentered the bedroom proper of the countess, her vacated room for theoccasion, and they went through a very amusing rehearsal with the hound.The lads were both very jubilant, for they were in their element--aboutto carry out a scheme which was a delight to them.

  "The robbers believe they are to have a walk-over," said Jack.

  "They will," responded Ike, a twinkle in his eyes; "a walk over to thestation house, and then a smooth ride up to Sing Sing Prison."

  "Will your man be on hand?"

  "If he fails I'll act as his substitute. We are going to capture thoserobbers, and don't you forget it."

  Thus the boys continued to talk until about two o'clock. Both were onthe alert, and Ike said:

  "We are not to be disappointed, our game is here."

  Sure enough, they could see the narrow gleam from a mask lantern. Theburglars were at the open door of the room. A moment passed and an armwas thrust forward. The light from the mask lantern shot over the room.Apparently, in the bed lay a sleeper. On the dressing bureau was a box,evidently a jewel case. A mirror permitted the two lads to see themovements and faces of the two rogues, and there came an expression oftriumph and gratification to the face of both as their glance rested onthe jewel case, and indeed the surroundings all appeared to indicate an"easy thing," as one of the fellows had put it the previous evening.

  They were very deliberate in their movements, and when satisfied thatthe road was clear they stepped into the room, their eyes fixed on thebed where the sleeper was supposed to be lying. They had arrivedhalf-way across the floor toward the jewel case on the dressing bureauwhen suddenly an immense hound confronted them--arose before them asthough he had suddenly come up through the floor. The men were botharmed and carried their weapons ready for instant use, but they stoodand glared. They were paralyzed, as it were, with astonishment. Thething was not quite so easy at that moment, but one can imagine theirbewilderment when, as they stood and gazed, the dog appeared to say in asingularly doglike fashion, after a regular dog yawn:

  "I've got my eye on you fellows. Don't attempt to use those revolvers orI'll chew you to mince-meat."

  One of the men managed to ejaculate:

  "Great Scott! the dog spoke!"

  The men were struck nerveless, and their terror and bewildermentincreased when the dog appeared to say, with a strange, doglike laugh:

  "It's dead easy, old man; it's dead easy."

  The men's faces became ghastly and one of them in gasps managed to say:

  "It's the devil!"

  "No, you are the devils, and I am after you; yes, I am, dead sure. Youmiserable skunks, to steal into a house to rob!"

  The men were struck speechless and they lost all power to movevoluntarily. They stood and trembled involuntarily, and the dogcontinued:

  "Oh, isn't it dead easy? What a bully old swag you will carry to Boston!The New York detectives will bark up the wrong tree, but I won't. No,no, you rascals, I'll bark you, and I am a New York detective lyingaround here for Boston thieves. I reckon Boston became too hot for you,and you thought you'd try your hands here; but, my dearies, when you getout of a New York jail I'd advise you to go to Alaska. There it's deadeasy for a good slide, but you can't slide back to Boston from here withyour swaggy--no, no. Just watch my tail waggy, you villains."

  The men
were just dead gone, and then the hound appeared to say:

  "I told you that you had barked up the wrong tree this time. I'll barknow."

  The dog did bark, and the latter was genuine. He had secured his signaland his bark was followed by the entrance of Du Flore, accompanied by asecond officer, and the two detectives did not stand on any ceremony.They just clapped their irons on the two nerveless men, and then DuFlore said:

  "Well, gentlemen, this was not so dead easy after all."

  With men to talk to the thieves to a certain extent recovered theirnerve. It was too late to avoid them, but they did ask:

  "What is that?"

  They pointed toward the hound.

  "That is our chief of police," came the answer.

  The two burglars were carted off, and we will here state that their"dead easy" thing did land them in Sing Sing Prison, for the proofs weredead against them.

  When the lady was informed of all the particulars she was greatlysurprised and exceedingly grateful.

  A week passed. The two ventriloquists, having no serious business onhand, determined to have a little sport, and one day they visited theStock Exchange, determined to throw a little confusion in among thebrokers. They secured a good position at different points, and havingarranged their programme prepared for active work. They saw one man whowas conspicuous as a shouter, and as it appeared both formed a dislikefor the fellow on appearances. He yelled a hundred of a fluctuatingstock for sale. A man close at his arm appeared to make a bid. Thefellow turned round sharply to accept. The man who had appeared to makethe bid repudiated having done so, and the stock was again offered,seemingly bid in also by the same man, and when the seller again offereddelivery the bid was repudiated. The seller had become enraged. Hesuspected he was being fooled. He became angry, words followed, and acrowd gathered around. The excitement ran high, when suddenly, right inthe midst of the crowd, there occurred the loud barking of a dog andthere was a general scatter, but no dog was seen. Then there came thegrunt of a pig and a dog appeared to attack the pig. The latter squealedand seemed to be running all around the room, and immediately therefollowed a regular barn-yard chorus. Confusion reigned. All businesscame to a standstill and the question arose, who was doing the barking,the squealing, the cackling and the quacking? One accused another, rowsfollowed, pandemonium reigned and amid the confusion the two authors ofthe whole trouble stole forth to the street. They had a heap of fun. Aninvestigation would have followed, for the men believed the trick hadbeen played by some of their members, but so general had been theconfusion no proof could be obtained, and later the business of theexchange proceeded.

  "Well, Ike, that was high," said Jack.

  "It was."

  The boys started to walk up the street, when they met a veiled lady whowas walking rapidly along. Ike stopped short and said:

  "Jack, that means something."

  "The veiled lady?"


  "What makes you think so? There are plenty of veiled ladies knockingaround every day."

  "That's so; but do you see that lady's excitement?"

  "How can I when she is veiled?"

  "But you can see it in her movements. Let's follow her and learn what isup. I tell you we will be on to something before we know it and I'd liketo do some one a good turn."

  "I'll let you investigate and I will go and do a little business I haveon hand."

  The youths agreed to meet later. Jack went his way, and Ike, who was apersistent fellow, followed the lady. She turned into one of the largeoffice buildings. The ventriloquist followed and saw her enter alawyer's office. He remained in the hall, and it was fully an hourbefore the lady came forth. When she did her veil was raised. Ikerecognized that she was very beautiful and refined looking, and he sawalso that she had been weeping. As she dropped her veil he fell to hertrail. She descended to the street and with slower steps proceeded onher way. Our hero was a good-looking chap. He had increased in strengthand stature since first introduced to our readers in a former story,Number 6 of "OLD SLEUTH'S OWN." He determined to follow and seize thefirst opportunity to speak to the pretty maid, who evidently was in somesort of trouble. While following her he was joined by Jack, and a littlelater Ike, who, as has been intimated, was observant, saw a man turn tofollow the veiled lady.

  "Hello!" he muttered, "the game is opening up. I wonder if that fellowis acquainted with the girl, or is merely following her onspeculation?"

  The girl walked through Nassau Street as far as the City Hall andboarded a Fourth Avenue car. Jack and Ike boarded the same car, and asthe latter glanced in at the lady he saw that she was giving way toconsiderable emotion under her veil, and he also observed that the manwho had started in to follow her had secured a seat directly opposite toher and had his evil eyes fixed upon her; for the lad discerned that theman did possess evil eyes.

  "Jack," he said, "we are on to something, sure."

  "It looks so."

  The lady left the car at the park and started to walk through that greatpleasure ground. The man left the car also and followed the girl, and itis needless to say that the two ventriloquists also followed on a doubletrail.

  "The lady acts very strangely," remarked Jack.

  "She does."

  "And I've a suspicion."

  Ike's eyes brightened up as he asked:

  "And what is your suspicion?"

  "She is going to throw herself into the lake. She is in trouble."

  "But why does the man follow her?"

  "I believe he is a rascal who means her no good."

  "And I mean to see that he does her no harm."

  "Suppose she does plunge into the lake?"

  "We will fish her out."

  From the course that the lady took it did appear as though she reallyintended to drown herself, as Jack had intimated. She finally, however,sat down on a bench near the water of the lake. The man stood off at alittle distance watching her. The ventriloquists also lay off, ready tobe at hand in case of emergency.